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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                   The Role of Education and Sustainable Tourism in

                     Achieving Cost Effectiveness during a Pandemic

                Khayrullaeva Nilufarbeim Nematilloyevna , Kadirova Shafoat Khabibulloyevna ,
                      Aripova Makhliyo Salakhiddinovna , Latifova Mekhrigul Ergashovna
                                            1 PhD Student of Bukhsu, Uzbekistan
                       2 Lecturer of Bukhsu, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Uzbekistan
                                          3 Master Student of Bukhsu, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               improved  environmental  conditions.  The  concept  of
        The  article  highlights  the  importance  of  sustainable   sustainable  development  has  three  key  indicators  -
        development  and  sustainable  tourism,  their  economic,   economic, social, environmental. It is essential to improve
        social and environmental aspects, and analyzes their role in   people's quality of life connected to economic growth, taking
        achieving economic efficiency. In addition, the level of study   into account the environmental component.
        of  sustainable  tourism  in  terms  of  the  area  and  their
        problems are illuminated. The most developed countries   Thus, the following definition of sustainable tourism can be
                                                               given.  Sustainable  tourism  is  a  non-fluctuating  set  of
        widely  implement  educational  programs  in  the  field  of
                                                               relationships and phenomena resulting from travel and stay
        tourism. These programs cover virtually all levels - from
                                                               in a country (region) of persons who do not live and work
        high school to university and virtually all prism sectors. The
        initial  programs  are  focused  on  the  hospitality  sector,   there. Sustainable tourism - temporary departures (travel) of
                                                               citizens of Uzbekistan, foreign citizens and stateless persons
        whose educational function is aimed at those who intend to
                                                               (in the future referred to as persons) from their permanent
        work in the catering or leisure sector. In addition, the STEP
        and TEDQUAL training standards in the development of the   place  of  residence  for  medical,  recreational,  recreational,
                                                               educational,  physical  culture,  professional,  business,
        Sustainable  Tourism  Program  of  the  World  Tourism
                                                               religious and other purposes without engaging in activities
        Organization,  which  is  being  implemented  within  the
                                                               associated  with  receiving  income  from  sources  in  the
        framework of the UN program are extensively introduced.
        Its activities over the past decades and more have mainly   country  (place)  of  temporary  residence,  not  subject  to
                                                               fluctuations. Sustainable tourism is temporary departures of
        been  aimed  at  supporting  the  development  of  tourism
                                                               citizens  with  various  travel  purposes,  which  achieve  a
        education  worldwide.  This  has  been  accomplished  in  a
                                                               balance of economic, social, and environmental conditions. It
        variety of ways. Sustainable tourism in Uzbekistan during
        the pandemic and its impact on economic efficiency and   takes into account the social and cultural characteristics of
                                                               the  host  country,  tourists.  By  definition  of  E.M.
        education and sustainable tourism has proven to be the
                                                               Maksarova(1996), "Sustainable tourism is a type of tourism
        best way out of this global epidemic without an economic
        crisis.                                                that  ensures  optimal  use  of  environmental  resources,
                                                               supports  the  socio-cultural  characteristics  of  host

        KEYWORDS:  tourism,  sustainable  tourism,  educational   communities, ensures the viability of long-term economic
        programs,  United  Nations  World  Tourism  Organization,   processes,  taking  into  account  their  benefits  for  all
        Education and Science Council, Education Quality, STEP and   stakeholders".  She  also  gives  the  following  definition  of
        TEDQUAL standards, Environmental issue                 sustainable  tourism  development:  “sustainable  tourism
                                                               development is such a long-term tourism development, in
        INTRODUCTION                                           which  a  balance  is  achieved  in  the  implementation  of
        Sustainable tourism is the concept of visiting a place as a   economic, environmental, social and cultural development
        tourist and positively impacting the environment, society,   goals,  the  interests  of  all  interested  parties  (tourists,
        and economy. Tourism can include primary transportation to   receiving and guiding destinations, local population), based
        a  familiar  location,  local  transportation,  accommodation,   on the rational use of tourist resources and comprehensive
        entertainment, recreation, food, and shopping. It can travel   partnership ”.
        for leisure, business and the so-called VFR (visiting friends   Literature Review
        and relatives). There is now a broad consensus that tourism
                                                               Foreign  scientists:  David  Airy,  Gianna  Moscardini,  Jackie
        development must be sustainable; however, how to achieve
                                                               Delhi, I. S. Viktorovich, A. Saufi, D. O'Brien, H.Wilkins, I. P.
        this remains a matter of debate.                       Henry, G. A. M. Jackson, J. N. Nilsson, S. Gosslings, and M.
        "Sustainable  development  (1993)  (English  sustainable   Jacobs have done a great deal of research on the importance
        development  -  supported  development)  -  such  a    of education in the development of sustainable tourism.
        development  of  society,  which  improves  human  living
                                                               The main part of the research works
        conditions,  and  the  impact  on  the  environment  remain   Sustainable tourism is a type of tourism that meets society's
        within the economic capacity of the biosphere so that the
                                                               needs,  preserves  what  has  been  achieved,  and  increases
        natural basis of human functioning is not destroyed". The
                                                               future  opportunities.  A  very  important  component  is
        concept of sustainable development considers humanity's   stability, constancy. It is important not only to preserve what
        long-term  progress,  which  is  accompanied  by  an   has been achieved in economic terms in tourism but also to
        improvement  in  human  life's  economic  component  and

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