Page 15 - - Special Issue - 2nd International Congress of Engineering
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Organizing Committee

                Mtro. Manuel Quintero QuinteroMtro. Manuel Quintero Quintero   Ing. Omar García Omar García Fabila.
          Director del Tecnológico Nacional de México.Director del Tecnológico Nacional de México.   Coordinador de ponentes.oordinador de ponentes.

               M. C. Domingo Noé Marrón RamosC. Domingo Noé Marrón Ramos   I Ing. Josué Iván Jaimes Pé Josué Iván Jaimes Pérez.
         Director del Instituto Tecnológico de Milpa Alta.Director del Instituto Tecnológico de Milpa Alta.   Coordinador de talleres.oordinador de talleres.

                  Lic. Alfonso Ávila Pérez TagleLic. Alfonso Ávila Pérez Tagle   L
                                                                       Lic. Carlos Enrique Salazar Delgado.ic. Carlos Enrique Salazar Delgado.
                     Subdirector Académico.                                 Coordinador de oordinador de tesorería.

                  M. A. Ruth Rodríguez CuellarM. A. Ruth Rodríguez Cuellar   M. I.  Odette Alejandra Pliego Martínez.. I.  Odette Alejandra Pliego Martínez.
                  Coordinador de conferencias.Coordinador de conferencias.   Coordinador de cafetería y souvenir.oordinador de cafetería y souvenir.

                 M. I. I. Arturo González TorresM. I. I. Arturo González Torres   I Ing. Arístides Caballero Alfarong. Arístides Caballero Alfaro
        Coordinador de recepción y revisión de artículos.revisión de artículos.   C
                                                               Coordinador de gafetes y programa de actividades.oordinador de gafetes y programa de actividades.

                                                  Joint Collaboration

         The Technological Institute of Milpa Alta committed to the promotion and articulation of research, for the The Technological Institute of Milpa Alta committed to the promotion and articulation of research, for the he Technological Institute of Milpa Alta committed to the promotion and articulation of research, for the
         first time, worked in synergy with the International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research afirst time, worked in synergy with the International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research airst time, worked in synergy with the International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development
         (, the journal has its online registration of ISSN 2456), the journal has its online registration of ISSN 2456- 6470

         IJTSRD  is  an  open  peer-reviewed  international  exchange  journal  that  provides  a  publication  of  research reviewed  international  exchange  journal  that  provides  a  publication  of  research reviewed  international  exchange  journal  that  provides  a  publication  of  research
         articles and aims to promote theory and practice along with the exchange of knowledge among researchers, promote theory and practice along with the exchange of knowledge among researchers, promote theory and practice along with the exchange of knowledge among researchers,
         developers, engineers, students and professionals.developers, engineers, students and professionals.

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