Page 19 - - Special Issue - 2nd International Congress of Engineering
P. 19

Engineering in Food IndustriesEngineering in Food Industries

         The  course  in  Engineering  in  Food  Industries,  aims The  course  in  Engineering  in  Food  Industries,  aims  to  have  a  high  impact  in  the  alimentary  development to  have  a  high  impact  in  the  alimentary  development
         setting  and  to  define  a  policy  relative  to  the  use  of  natural  resources  taken  from  agricultural  activity; setting  and  to  define  a  policy  relative  to  the  use  of  natural  resources  taken  from  agricultural  activity; etting  and  to  define  a  policy  relative  to  the  use  of  natural  resources  taken  from  agricultural  activity;
         additionally, it offers education and research policy that supports regional and national developmadditionally, it offers education and research policy that supports regional and national developmdditionally, it offers education and research policy that supports regional and national development. In this
         sense, it identifies the industrial transformation of raw materials and the commercialization of products with sense, it identifies the industrial transformation of raw materials and the commercialization of products with ense, it identifies the industrial transformation of raw materials and the commercialization of products with
         added value as areas of regional development.added value as areas of regional development.

         Career Objective

         To  train  professionals  with  solid  scientific  and  technological  bases,To  train  professionals  with  solid  scientific  and  technological  bases,  high  social  commitment,  high  ethical high  social  commitment,  high  ethical
         values,  attitudes  and  aptitudes  that  allow  them  to  become  agents  of  change,  able  to  integrate,  develop  and values,  attitudes  and  aptitudes  that  allow  them  to  become  agents  of  change,  able  to  integrate,  develop  and lues,  attitudes  and  aptitudes  that  allow  them  to  become  agents  of  change,  able  to  integrate,  develop  and
         consolidate networks of value in the producting systems of their environment through the food industry.consolidate networks of value in the producting systems of their environment through the food industry.onsolidate networks of value in the producting systems of their environment through the food industry.
         Professional profile

         1.  Design, create, install, operate, maintain and run food industry companies within a framework of regional, Design, create, install, operate, maintain and run food industry companies within a framework of regional, Design, create, install, operate, maintain and run food industry companies within a framework of regional,
             national and international development.national and international development.

         2.  Plan, evaluate and execute investment projects aimed at strengthening the development of the foPlan, evaluate and execute investment projects aimed at strengthening the development of the foPlan, evaluate and execute investment projects aimed at strengthening the development of the food sector.
         3.  Analyze, evaluate and design value networks in food production systems.Analyze, evaluate and design value networks in food production systems.
         4.  Analyze, evaluate and optimize industrial food production systems.Analyze, evaluate and optimize industrial food production systems.
         5.  Develop, produce and market products with added value in the national and international market according Develop, produce and market products with added value in the national and international market according Develop, produce and market products with added value in the national and international market according
             to current regulations and satisfy the demands of food and current regulations and satisfy the demands of food and nutrition.

         6.  Develop agricultural, livestock and poultry products with nutraceutical and functional characteristics.Develop agricultural, livestock and poultry products with nutraceutical and functional characteristics.Develop agricultural, livestock and poultry products with nutraceutical and functional characteristics.
         7.  Develop technology for the safety and preservation of food by physical, physicocheDevelop technology for the safety and preservation of food by physical, physicocheDevelop technology for the safety and preservation of food by physical, physicochemical, physiological
             and chemical methods.
         8.  Design systems for the packaging and packaging of fresh and processed products.Design systems for the packaging and packaging of fresh and processed products.
         9.  Research  and develop  technologies  for  the improvement  of  production  and  organization systems,  while Research  and  develop  technologies  for  the improvement  of  production  and  organization  systems,  while Research  and develop  technologies  for  the improvement  of  production  and  organization systems,  while
             practicing technological appraisal.

         10. Adopt, adapt, transfer  and innovate technologies and the practice of technological development, for the Adopt, adapt, transfer and innovate technologies and the practice of technological development, for the Adopt, adapt, transfer  and innovate technologies and the practice of technological development, for the
             transformation of food and sustainability of resources.transformation of food and sustainability of resources.

         11. Promote the production of capital goods for the food industry.Promote the production of capital goods for the food industry.
         12. Design and create networks of value for the integration of production systems with high intellectual capital, orks of value for the integration of production systems with high intellectual capital, orks of value for the integration of production systems with high intellectual capital,
             innovative and intelligent in the organization, holistic and resilient in the production systems that generate innovative and intelligent in the organization, holistic and resilient in the production systems that generate nnovative and intelligent in the organization, holistic and resilient in the production systems that generate
             products and services of high added value.products and services of high added value.
         13. Establish quality systems in processes and food products under international standards.ity systems in processes and food products under international standards.ity systems in processes and food products under international standards.
         14. Perform inter and multidisciplinary work that allows the strengthening and integration of competition.Perform inter and multidisciplinary work that allows the strengthening and integration of competition.Perform inter and multidisciplinary work that allows the strengthening and integration of competition.
         15. Designing food systems that improve minimum requirements of welfare: Health, nuDesigning food systems that improve minimum requirements of welfare: Health, nuDesigning food systems that improve minimum requirements of welfare: Health, nutrition, economy and

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