Home > Biological Science > Ecology > Volume-2 > Issue-4 > Seasonal Dynamics of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Glomalin and Soil Properties in Agroecosystems of Nanded District

Seasonal Dynamics of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Glomalin and Soil Properties in Agroecosystems of Nanded District

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Seasonal Dynamics of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Glomalin and Soil Properties in Agroecosystems of Nanded District

Ujwala Sheshrao Deepake | Somesh Atmaram Sawale


Ujwala Sheshrao Deepake | Somesh Atmaram Sawale "Seasonal Dynamics of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Glomalin and Soil Properties in Agroecosystems of Nanded District" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-4, June 2018, pp.2790-2800, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd15727.pdf

To understand the ecological significance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) associations in agroecosysytem, the host specific and seasonal dynamics of AMF and glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) was investigated in agricultural fields of Nanded, Maharashtra State. Soil samples were collected from the rhizosphere of eight crop plants (Glycine max (L.) Merr., Saccharum officinarum L., Zea mays L., Cajanas cajan (L.) Millsp., Gossypium arboreum L., Triticum aestivum L., Sorghum vulgare Pers. and Cicer arietinum L.) in winter, summer and monsoon seasons respectively. Arbuscular mycorrhizal root infection and spore density of AMF peaked in monsoon and winter.The mean contents of total glomalin related soil proteins (T-GRSP) reached maximal values in summer. Spore density was highest in Zea mays L. Easily extractable glomalin related (EE-GRSP) and T-GRSP fractions were the highest in the rhizosphere of Cicer arietinum L. and Sorghum vulgare Pers. AMF root colonization and spore density was negatively correlated with K (P < 0.05; P < 0.01). T-GRSP fraction was positively correlated with edaphic factors (rhizosphere temperature, K and Fe content of soil) and negatively correlated with soil moisture (P < 0.01), AMF root colonization (P < 0.05) and spore density (P<0.01). Therefore, it can be inferred that the response of AMF varies with different crop plants and hence it reflects the variations in glomalin, and suggest that glomalin is produced in environmental stress on the basis of its relationship with soil physicochemical parameters, and can be implicated for evaluating soil quality in agricultural fields.

Glomalin; AMF; edaphic factors; crop plants; seasonal variations

Volume-2 | Issue-4, June 2018
IJTSRD | www.ijtsrd.com | E-ISSN 2456-6470
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)

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